COFFEE CONNECTIONS is a pending 501(c)(3) organization providing people in need free job trainings and connections they need in order to work in specialty coffee. Ultimately this aims to address the need for well-trained, loyal staff in Chicago’s cafes as well as the growing unemployment rates of young adults throughout Chicago’s neighborhoods.

  • Coffee Connections

    In this 25-hour free education program, plus two-week internship experience, people will be provided with the basics of specialty coffee, job readiness tips and a real-life cafe experience to set them up to be successful in your favorite elevated cafe.

  • Have us at your private event

    From baby showers, to gym openings, to school gatherings, to weddings - we’ve served specialty coffee at it all! Rate for events is $100/hr + $3 per head. All proceeds go directly back into Coffee Connections to help people in need get jobs in specialty coffee.

“I love the idea of exposing those that might normally not get the opportunity to specialty coffee and helping them find paying jobs in local cafes over the big box stores.”

- Ryan Brennan, Owner of Pilates + Coffee